After several weeks of receiving survey responses for our Hemp Business Survey from several hemp companies and hemp entrepreneurs we want to share the preliminary results with you.
This will give you an idea of the other types of hempsters within the HempAware sphere, and what their general status and challenges are as a hemp company trying to succeed online.
What type of hemp company do you have?
There are many types of hemp companies, as you would imagine with all the different products you can make with hemp!
In our short hemp business survey,

What's the Size of your hemp company?
How many people are on your hemp company team? Whether you’re a hemptrepreneur of one, or a team of 50 hempsters making it hempen, each one of us can make a difference with our intentions and purpose with hemp.

What type of marketing content do hemp companies want more of?
We all learn in different ways, and are dealing with similar problems. So we want to make sure we serve you will excellence and valuable content that will not only help you make money, but will be enjoyable to consume.
We want the content we create about hemp history, hemp marketing, hemp sales, hemp content creationa and the like to make you a better hempster.

If you haven't already feel free to take the hemp business survey

For everyone that participated, thank you. We do what we do for YOU. For the hemptrepreneurs of the world, and the hemp companies that are on a mission to make the world a better place with HEMP!
And if you haven’t taken the 2 minute hemp business survey, you can do that right there.
We look forward to awesome collaboration with you and making all our hemp visions and dreams come to fruition, with strategic principles of marketing that really work.
Keep making it hempen!