Why start a hemp business versus finding high-paying jobs for stoners? Starting a hemp business or seeking high-paying jobs for stoners – has its pros and cons. Self Employed – Hemp Business OpportunitiesHow much Starting a hemp business has its freedom, fun, and responsibility – of both finding the work and then doing the work.
When you decide to start a hemp business, you are simultaneously the boss and the employee.
As a self-employed individual, your increased responsibility (and workload) is proportional to the amount of potential income you can create.
Running a hemp business requires you to think like a business owner and not think like an employee.
As a hemp business owner, you’re paid by the results you produce – not by the hours of work you put in. Just because you’re doing work – in your hemp business – doesn’t mean you get paid.
The first step in seeking hemp business opportunities is to consider the problem you want to solve and the type of result you want to produce.
Potential earning as a hemp business owner is nearly unlimited. How much money can you motivate yourself to earn?

The Beauty of offering Hemp Products or Services is that YOU Can Make a Difference and a Dollar! When you own a hemp business, you trade the “results” you can produce for money (regardless of the time it takes to get the result).
High Paying Jobs for StonersLanding high-paying jobs for stoners requires you to clock in ON TIME, listen to one or multiple bosses, and perform work you may or may not want to do – day in and day out.
High-paying jobs for stoners demand your time and attention to do the work you’re supposed to do.
You may not like being told what to do in a job, but, the trade-off is you have a steady source of income and job security.
Potential earning in high-paying jobs for stoners is limited to what your employer chooses to pay you.
High paying jobs for stoners trade “time” for money (regardless of how much money you’ve made your boss).
How do you figure out if you want to start looking for hemp business opportunities or look for high paying jobs for stoners?
Below, we’ll show you a potential path – you could take – towards maximizing your earning potential as a hemp business owner or employee.
Exactly how many hemp business opportunities are available?According to American entrepreneur – Gary Vee – there are 300 million people in the U.S. and there are 300 million ways to win (with hemp business opportunities).
If you live in a country who has capitalism, you have an infinite amount of advantages over those who don’t have access to free market capitalism.
As Gary Vee tells us, after his direct experience of living in socialist Russia, capitalism is BY FAR the better of the two social systems.
Capitalism is better than socialism because no one is telling you that you can not start a hemp business. Neither is your income earning potential limited.
In capitalism, you can decide you’re a hemp business and instantly, you’re what’s called – in business – a sole proprietor.
Anyone, at any time (within reason), can choose to start a business RIGHT NOW and start earning money TODAY – doing what you love as a hemp business.
Market research shows hemp business opportunities are BOOMING and growing at an exponential rate!
Giant industrial booms are picture proof that discovering profitable hemp business opportunities are not only possible but growing in potential opportunity.
There’s no one size fits all “roadmap” to success in starting a hemp business.
Creating a profitable hemp business usually begins by providing a service.
According to Napoleon Hill, author of the business classic “Think & Grow Rich,” if you’re just getting started, what else do you have to offer that’s of market value – other than YOUR personal services?
When you’re just getting started, you may not have enough capital (money) to invest in a brick and mortar building.
And this is great news – especially to us who have access to a computer with internet – you don’t need to start a business where you have things to sell.
There are businesses that don’t require any start up money and all you need to do is begin – right now.
Getting clear about what hemp business service you want to provide includes:
Knowing what’s required for success. Solving a problem in the market. Asking yourself quality questions to prepare yourself to receive the answers to success. Having access to top-notch tools and resources to help you market your product or service. Clarity and self-awareness about what’s important to you – in relation to the hemp business opportunities. Discovering the deeply seeded WHY question that motivates you towards accomplishing your purpose in life. (Why are YOU here)? |
In our FREE Hemp Business pdf report, you’ll learn how to help yourself navigate new territory towards discovering hemp business opportunities – leading you to the success you desire.What’s the Best Way to Come up with Profitable Hemp Business Ideas and/or 420 Business Ideas?Profitable hemp business ideas begin with brainstorming products and services that are currently making money and selling – right now.
Creating a list of profitable hemp business ideas involves finding the intersection point between what you love, what makes money, and what you’re good at.
The hardest part about finding this point is – once you make the discovery – looking right in front of you because what you love is hiding in plain sight, waiting for you.
What are Some Examples of Profitable Hemp Business Ideas?Industrial hemp business opportunities and hemp business ideas are virtually endless because hemp can make several tens of thousands of potential products.
Literally, everything we see in the modern world can be made from hemp.
With this piece of information, we can begin to see the depth of potential visions that are possible for you to reach into and start creating in the real physical world.
Let’s take a quick peek at some creative and profitable hemp businesses in the market. Since success leaves clues, studying those who have what you want is the foundation of beginning your path towards your desired outcome.
The hemp industry has a place for everyone to create a hemp business and share their gifts and abilities.Rapid-fire list of examples of profitable hemp business ideas:
- Teach Hemp Classes (Teach classes, giving tours, painting, pottery, yoga, etc. What are you good at and do every day and don’t yet realize?)
- Consultant (Specialized Knowledge pays WAY more than general knowledge. What do you know more about than anyone else and how can you utilize your knowledge to help people?)
- Affiliate Marketing (According to Pat Flynn – Smart Passive Income – the easiest and fastest way to start making money online is via affiliate marketing. Affiliate means you sell other companies products and you earn a commission).
- Technology Developer (Software tools, coding skills, security systems, etc).
- Hemp Event Planner (Business networking, trade shows, social gathering, festivals, weddings, etc)
- Delivery Services.
- Product Reviewer.
- And much more! (Be creative and dig deep into what you love doing with your time and try to figure out how you can turn your passion into profitable hemp business opportunities).
Success Clue:
What do you spend most of your time already doing and how can you use this to help solve hemp business problems?
How to Make Your First Hemp Business Plan Profitable?Writing your first hemp business plan helps you visualize and SEE what your hemp business could look like – when operating at 100% ideal speed.
Before you write your first hemp business plan, do as much relevant research as possible. Creating a profitable hemp business plan is an ongoing process of thinking, researching, refining, testing, and repeating.
A simple Google search will provide you with several hemp business plan templates you can easily download and start filling out.
Do One Thing Hemp is our special FREE hemp business guide providing you with practical tools for success.
These tools and insights will show you a practical guide leading you to the success you’ve been working hard towards.
Writing a hemp business plan gets simple when you have your an appropriate amount of depth to your vision and understanding about the motivation that will drive your long term success into fruition.
Along with tools and insights, Do One Thing Hemp helps you dive deep and provides extensive lists of essential hemp business teachers and thought leaders to help you carve out a profitable hemp business plan.
What do you do if you’d still rather seek high paying jobs for stoners versus starting a hemp business?If, after you’ve read through our two FREE hemp business PDF reports, and you STILL would rather have a high paying stoner job.
Or, You can’t fully SEE how you’ll make your hemp business opportunity profitable – you’re in luck.
There are ENDLESS amounts of resources to help you navigate the hemp job market.
Our free Do One Thing Hemp PDF inspirational guide gives you a list of hemp industry experts who’ve previously navigated the territory you’re about to embark upon.
Hemp business experts tell us that success leaves clues.
And through consistent observation of those who have created a successful hemp business will help you reprogram your subconscious mind to begin SEEING hemp business opportunities – in the real world.
Once you begin to recognize hemp business opportunities, the practical tools you’ll receive in our Do One Things Hemp guide will help trigger you to take more and more consistent action.