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From the Power of Raw Hemp to Marketing Justin Benton of 101 CBD

The Power of Raw Hemp and marketing your products with Justin Benton


The hemp industry’s marketing challenges require a shift from traditional paid advertising to organic strategies focused on education and customer engagement.

Lessons from industry leaders like Justin Benton emphasize the importance of creating authentic connections, maintaining a robust email marketing strategy, and following up with consumers to drive loyalty and sales.

By adapting to the uniquely regulated landscape, businesses can thrive while promoting the benefits of hemp products.

The Transformative Journey of Justin Benton

Every entrepreneurial journey is often a mosaic of personal experiences.

For me, learning about Justin Benton and his company, 101 CBD, has been nothing short of inspirational.

The story of how he transitioned from a corporate job to the world of hemp cultivation is deeply tied to personal struggles and triumphs, particularly surrounding his son’s health issues.

This is a journey that many individuals can relate to, especially those who have faced family health crises.

From Personal Struggles to Entrepreneurial Success

Often, the most significant changes in our lives emerge from the context of personal challenges.

In Justin’s case, his son was diagnosed with a severe neurological disorder at just two years old.

This life-altering event served as the catalyst for Justin’s quest for viable solutions—solutions he found in the healing properties of hemp.

This instilled in him a sense of urgency to explore the potential therapeutic benefits of hemp.

Before diving into entrepreneurship, Justin had acquired various skills as a serial entrepreneur over two decades.

His diversified experiences prepared him for the unique challenges he would soon face in the hemp industry.

In many ways, his journey reflects the age-old adage that necessity is the mother of invention.

Fueled by his son’s need for better health options, he began to delve into hemp cultivation, which eventually led to the creation of 101 CBD—a brand dedicated to providing high-quality, full-spectrum CBDA oil.

The Creation of 101 CBD: A Family Health Crisis as Inspiration

The birth of 101 CBD was not just an entrepreneurial pivot; it was a heartfelt response to a family’s health crisis.

The reality of dealing with his son’s diagnosis pushed Justin to find alternatives that conventional medicine had failed to provide.

According to him, their approach was grounded in a profound understanding of the hemp plant’s capabilities, particularly the power of CBDA oil.

This raw, full-spectrum oil became a game-changer for his son, who underwent an impressive transformation measured by the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) that dropped from a severe score of 158 to below 20—indicating neurotypical functionality.

What strikes me as particularly profound is Justin’s emphasis on maintaining the natural state of cannabis.

Unlike many products that rely on heating processes, which can diminish the plant’s efficacy, he believes in preserving the integrity of the raw plant.

In his view, the compounds found in raw CBDA have the potential to be significantly more effective than isolated CBD in addressing issues like anxiety and nausea.

The Role of Faith and Perseverance in Entrepreneurship

Justin’s entrepreneurial journey is not just about business strategies; it also revolves around values such as faith and perseverance.

His relentless pursuit to find answers for his son emphasized the importance of unwavering commitment and hope.

As he eloquently states,

“If you have a big enough why, you’ll push through anything.”

This mindset underscores the principle that when one’s purpose is deeply rooted in personal experiences, it often leads to extraordinary outcomes.

His story is a testament to how personal conviction can drive innovation and the creation of impactful solutions.

In engaging with the community, Justin has cultivated a meaningful connection with those seeking alternative health solutions.

He often shares information about the benefits of hemp not just for personal health but also for broader communities grappling with similar issues.

This organic approach to community engagement has become a hallmark of the 101 CBD brand.

Through crafting educational content and leveraging platforms like Instagram and YouTube, he actively participates in the health and wellness dialogue, shedding light on the myriad benefits of hemp.

Insights into Entrepreneurship and Marketing Strategies

As we navigate this evolving landscape, Justin’s insights into marketing hemp products reveal the complexities associated with digital advertising.

Regulations on platforms like Facebook and Instagram pose unique challenges for those in the hemp industry.

Justin reflects on how he has adapted by shifting towards organic strategies, emphasizing the importance of consistent content creation and genuine engagement.

He advocates for the use of email lists to maintain relationships with customers while balancing educational outreach with promotional offers.

This not only enhances customer engagement but also establishes trust—a pivotal element in the hemp market, where skepticism can often exist due to misinformation.

By building a robust community around 101 CBD, Justin has created an environment where consumers are informed and empowered to make educated choices about their health.

Reflections on the Healing Power of Hemp

Beyond marketing and entrepreneurship, Justin’s philosophical musings about hemp’s role in society inspire deeper reflections.

He aspires for raw hemp to be recognized for its healing properties akin to how we view plants like aloe vera. His vision encompasses a world where hemp is acknowledged as a legitimate and powerful natural remedy, shifting perceptions that have historically surrounded cannabis.

As he notes,

“Hemp may not save the world, but it’s the only thing that can.”

This perspective emphasizes the potential that lies within the plant and the broader implications on health and wellness.

As I ponder Justin’s journey, it’s evident that it encapsulates a blend of personal hardship, unwavering determination, and an ardent belief in the potential of hemp.

His narrative is not just about launching a successful business but also about making a real difference in the lives of countless families navigating similar health challenges.

By sharing his story, Justin not only raises awareness about the healing properties of CBD but also inspires hope among those who seek alternative solutions.

Understanding the Unique Benefits of CBDA Oil

When discussing the vast world of hemp and its derivatives, one compound that often comes up is CBDA oil—cannabidiolic acid.

In my exploration of hemp products, I have repeatedly encountered insights that set CBDA apart from more commonly discussed compounds, such as CBD.

It’s imperative to understand the unique aspects of CBDA oil, not just to determine its effectiveness but also to appreciate its potential benefits thoroughly.

What Sets CBDA Oil Apart from Traditional CBD

Unlike CBD, which is derived through a process that involves heating (or decarboxylation), CBDA is the raw, natural form of cannabinoid present in hemp plants.

The significance of this lies in the preservation of its natural state. This rawness is thought to unlock a broader range of benefits and action within the body.

Throughout my research, I came across the intriguing argument put forth by Dr. Rafael Mechoulam, who noted,

“CBDA can be up to a thousand times stronger than CBD.”

This statement emphasizes how the preservation of CBDA can result in heightened therapeutic effects, particularly for conditions such as anxiety and nausea.

Scientific Evidence Supporting Raw Hemp Consumption

As I delved deeper, I encountered numerous scientific studies outlining the efficacy of CBDA for neurological support. Research indicates that CBDA interacts with specific receptors in our endocannabinoid system, promoting equilibrium within our bodies.

This is particularly essential, considering the endocannabinoid system plays a pivotal role in regulating various functions, including mood, appetite, and memory.

Moreover, the historical context of hemp usage for healing offers profound insights. Across diverse cultures, hemp has been utilized for centuries as a natural remedy.

From ancient Chinese medicine to more contemporary holistic practices, the sentiment surrounding hemp’s healing properties resonates with its increasing acceptance in today’s health-conscious society.

The Holistic Approach to Utilizing the Endocannabinoid System

In my conversations with individuals advocating for hemp and its derivatives, the holistic benefits of CBDA oil consistently emerge as a topic of interest.

The ability of CBDA to engage with the body’s endocannabinoid system highlights a fundamental aspect of health that modern medicine often overlooks: the need for balance.

Instead of merely targeting symptoms through isolated compounds, embracing the holistic potential of plants like hemp allows us to work in harmony with our body’s innate systems.

Many users have shared their transformative experiences with CBDA oil

For instance, I learned about a mother who turned to raw hemp products after her son’s diagnosis with a severe neurological disorder.

She reported that after introducing CBDA into his regimen, there was a remarkable shift—evidenced by improvements in his behavioral responses and overall quality of life.

This anecdote underscores the idea that natural remedies, when used responsibly and knowledgeably, can offer substantial support.

Emphasizing Raw Hemp’s Potential

In my exploration, I’ve encountered compelling evidence that suggests the health benefits of raw hemp consumption not only support individual conditions but may amplify overall well-being.

This perspective aligns with the principles of neuroenhancement, wherein individuals seek to optimize cognitive functions and emotional health.

Raw CBDA promotes neuroprotection and may even encourage neurogenesis, aspects that are becoming increasingly desirable in our fast-paced world.

The dedication to provide quality hemp products has motivated many entrepreneurs in this field.

For instance, I recently engaged in a discussion with Justin Benton, the CEO of 101 CBD, who shared his personal journey stemming from a quest for effective solutions for his son.

This encounter illuminated how personal stories can drive innovation and education surrounding hemp’s health benefits.

Engagement with the Community

I find it fascinating how the hemp community also emphasizes engagement through education.

The importance of spreading knowledge about the benefits of CBDA oil, especially when contrasted with decarboxylated CBD, cannot be overstated.

As the market for CBD products expands, it is crucial to highlight the distinctions and advantages of raw hemp derivations.

As I reflect on these attributes of CBDA oil, I am continually impressed by the historical and contemporary relevance of raw hemp. Its role as a natural healer could one day be recognized and valued just like that of aloe vera—a natural remedy cherished for its extensive healing properties.

This perspective not only inspires me but also reinforces the mission to educate others on the benefits of hemp-derived products and to advocate for a more expansive view of holistic health practices.

The Future of CBDA Oil

As the conversation continues around hemp, I am eager to see how CBDA will fit into the landscape of wellness products in the coming years.

It’s not just about wellness; it’s a movement towards understanding nature’s remedies backed by science and personal experience.

With each study that surfaces and each personal anecdote shared, the narrative surrounding the benefits of CBDA oil becomes richer and more compelling.

Marketing Insights for the Hemp Industry

In my experience navigating the hemp industry, I’ve come to recognize the unique marketing challenges that cannabis businesses face.

It’s a journey filled with learning opportunities, driven by a necessity to adapt to a rapidly evolving market landscape, particularly regarding digital advertising regulations.

My conversations with industry leaders, such as Justin Benton, have shed light on effective strategies for overcoming these hurdles while fostering consumer connections.

Lessons Learned from Marketing Challenges

The market for hemp products is unlike any other. Many businesses encounter strict advertising policies on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, which often leaves them grappling to find their voice.

Early in my journey, I learned the hard way that relying entirely on paid advertising isn’t a viable long-term strategy.

The organic reach on social media is essential, especially in a niche like ours where consumer engagement is paramount.

Justin shared valuable insights into his approach, emphasizing the need for authentic engagement and the use of educational content. Instead of solely focusing on hard sells, he encourages brands to tell their stories, share their values, and educate consumers about their products.

This is partly what led to the success of 101 CBD. It’s not just about selling a product; it’s about creating a community where consumers feel informed and empowered.

The Importance of Organic Marketing in a Regulated Space

As highlighted in my discussions, navigating the regulatory landscape is crucial for success in the hemp industry. Justin’s experience shows that organic marketing strategies can not only help in building brand awareness but also establish a loyal customer base.

What I found particularly interesting was his approach of integrating email marketing into his strategy. Maintaining continuity with customers through emails can significantly drive customer retention and keep them informed about new product launches or educational resources.

This strategy aligns with the findings in recent statistics which indicate that email marketing boasts one of the highest return-on-investment rates in digital marketing, particularly in niche industries like hemp.

According to a report from the Direct Marketing Association, email marketing has an ROI of up to 4400%. This starkly underscores the importance of building a dedicated email list.

Building Customer Relationships and Sales Funnels

Creating a sales funnel that nurtures leads into loyal customers requires a multifaceted approach. From my observations, effective sales funnels begin with awareness but must evolve into engagement and advocacy.

Justin shared how he leverages compelling storytelling and valuable content to move potential customers seamlessly through this funnel.

One of the lessons I took away was the significance of follow-up communication. Justin’s quote, “The fortune is in the follow-up,” resonates deeply with me.

Following up on leads, whether through special offers, feedback requests, or simply checking in, is vital. This practice shows customers that you care about their experience rather than treating them merely as a transaction.

Moreover, interactive elements like quizzes or surveys can enhance customer engagement even further.

By gathering feedback or preferences, businesses can fine-tune their offerings and cater to their customer’s specific needs, making them feel valued.

“If you want to control your health, look toward plant-based solutions.” – Justin Benton

Success Stories from the Field

When analyzing data, it’s interesting to note that businesses employing these organic marketing strategies have seen increased consumer trust and loyalty.

For instance, Justin’s method of focusing on raw cannabis products that maintain their natural integrity has shifted consumer perceptions around hemp.

His commitment to quality and transparency in sourcing and production has attracted a loyal customer base willing to advocate for the brand.

My conversations with industry insiders revealed numerous examples of how valuable authentic engagement has proven to be.

From hosting educational webinars to establishing a strong online presence with regular updates on product development and benefits, these companies are fostering strong relationships with their audience. The direct correlation between these efforts and increased sales cannot be underestimated.

Final Thoughts

Reflecting on my experiences, the journey through the hemp industry has required me to be agile and responsive. Emphasizing education and connection, rather than forced marketing techniques, has proven to yield fruitful results.

he insights shared by Justin, along with the broader market data, highlight the importance of adapting to current trends and being authentic in reaching out to consumers.

Ultimately, the goal should be to facilitate an informed dialogue around hemp and its products, improving public perception and awareness.

Raw hemp products should be seen not just as commodities but as integral parts of a healthy lifestyle, akin to how we view aloe vera.

This vision, coupled with adaptive marketing strategies, can propel the hemp industry into a thriving future.

This entire experience serves as a reminder that challenges in the hemp space can be transformed into opportunities for growth and meaningful connections.

By embracing organic marketing and fostering genuine relationships with our customers, we not only build businesses but also create communities dedicated to health and well-being.


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