Hemp Basics
Discover Cannabis Hemp’s Characteristics & Features!
What is Hemp?

Hemp is a “Billion Dollar Crop.”
These words were professed in the February, 1938 issue of Popular Mechanics (see article). Hemp, more than ever, is a plant that has the ability to sustain and propel life on this planet.
With all ten essential amino acids and a well balanced ratio of omega fatty acids, hemp is a vital superfood. Hemp is now contributing to the awakening of humanity and the healing of the nations.
Hemp is generally referred to as the industrial, non-psychoactive variety of Cannabis sativa L. used for a multitude of products.
It’s grown for its fiber and seed production. Hemp can be used to make over 25,000 products, including textiles, paper, paint, particle board, plastics, cordage, and food.
What are the characteristic of Industrial Hemp?
- Hemp grows to lengths of 4-24 feet, and everywhere in between.
- The hemp stalks are grown about two to three inches apart and can be grown on nearly seventy percent of the Earth’s terrain.
- Hemp fields take around 100 – 120 days to fully mature.
- Hemp does not require any herbicides or pesticides and is not genetically modified.
- You will find roughly 200 – 300 stalks per square meter. Because hemp is grown so close together it’s a great crop for weed control.
- The hemp plant is dioecious, which means the males plants fertilize the female plants and then die off.
- Hemp stalks yield between 3 to 7 tons of dry hemp fibre per acre.
- The hemp plant is said to be highly resistant to pests and insects due to it’s resinous compounds.
- Hemp is a great rotation crop especially for other crops such as: wheat, corn and soy, among others.
What countries are legally growing hemp?
- Australia
- Austria
- Canada
- Chile
- China
- Denmark
- Egypt
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Great Britain
- India
- Korea
- Lithuania
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Pakistan
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Switzerland
- Thailand
- Ukraine
- United States
The United States of America is the largest importer of industrial hemp goods and now, after the passing of the 2018 Federal Farm Bill, U.S. farmers are able to legally grow industrial hemp.
Things are changing rapidly, and although there are still major hurdles for processing and distribution, at least we are now able to grow and process industrial hemp products.
How is “Hemp” written in other languages?
- Chinese: Ma 大麻
- Czech: Konopí
- Dutch: Hennep
- Esperanto: Kanabo
- French: Chanvre
- German: Hanf
- Greek: κάνναβη
- Hebrew: Kanabos
- Italian: canapa
- Japanese: Taima 麻
- Korean: 대마
- Romanian: Cinepa
- Russian: конопля
- Slovak: Konope
- Spanish: Cáñamo
- Yiddish: Hanef
What is the vision for hemp’s future?
With the help from all the intelligent statesmen, lawyers, agricultural commissioners, teachers, mothers, fathers, visionaries, writers, inventor and so on.
“We the People of the United States” enjoy the value-added benefits of farming and manufacturing hemp here in the U.S.. it just makes sense – it makes cents too.
The old paradigm was that hemp was evil, with roots in hell.
However, we are here to share with the world every reason why Hemp is Good.
You will find more and more governmental, educational, scientific and corporate institutions in support for the liberation of the hemp plant – it’s vital and necessary for the health, wealth and success of every nation on Earth!

Do One Thing: HEMP
You know how a lot of hemp entrepreneurs get side tracked with to many opportunities and distractions? Well in this free PDF you’ll learn how to:
- Create more clarity around your hemp vision and dream!
- Focus your energy and accomplish your hemp goals!
- Ways to let go of the distractions and a
- Worksheet to document your goals.