At the Department of Agriculture Building in Sacramento (the State Cap. of California), a meeting took place – on June 29th, 2017.
It’s a joy and a great pleasure to know that folks from across California are meeting to have a professional discussion about the legalization and regulation of this abundant, historical, and extremely useful plant: Industrial Hemp!

I found out about this Industrial Hemp Agricultural meeting in a conversation the other day, with one of my mentors and colleagues, Larry Serbin at Hemp Traders.
He’s been spearheading the hemp industry for more than 20 years, and is an inspiring Hemp Entrepreneur for many of us hempsters!
He assured me that things are looking promising for California Farmers, City Representatives, Law Enforcement, and not just California Hemp Companies, but companies and people like you across the state!
So now that the California Industrial Hemp Advisory Board has been created, there’ll be a specific process for establishing the rules and regulations around industrial hemp growth.
If you want to see a list of the advisors: Check it out here.
Cali Hundo* | 100% Support for Cannabis Hemp
I found out about this Industrial Hemp Agricultural meeting in a conversation the other day, with one of my mentors and colleagues, Larry Serbin at Hemp Traders.
He’s been spearheading the hemp industry for more than 20 years, and is an inspiring Hemp Entrepreneur for many of us hempsters!
He assured me that things are looking promising for California Farmers, City Representatives, Law Enforcement, and not just California Hemp Companies, but companies and people like you across the state!
So now that the California Industrial Hemp Advisory Board has been created, there’ll be a specific process for establishing the rules and regulations around industrial hemp growth.
If you want to see a list of the advisors: Check it out here.
Could you imagine if 100% of the people in California were in support of the propagation, utilization, and manufacture of hemp goods here?
Apparently whoever governs the California State Website, is allowing the California Cannabis Portal to be displayed right on the homepage!
That is pretty awesome.

There is evidently some major support for this crop by Californians in office for Medical and Recreational Cannabis. However, I (as well as Larry and many others) would like to see a website this clean and pretty for the Industrial Hemp side of things.
At this point, the Plant Health and Pest Prevention Division of the Department of Agriculture is handling the Industrial Hemp Licensing process and Rules and Regulations.
Although it’s not as pretty and robust as the Cannabis Portal, at least we are making progress…and there’s something there to work with.
So to fuel that vision of 100% even more – Larry at Hemp Trader’s also mentioned that during his experience at the Dep. of Ag meeting, he witnessed 100% support and good favor toward Industrial Hemp growth in California, including a Sheriff that was present.
To TAKE ACTION NOW ~ check out these two portals. Wether you’re involved with Recreation, Medical, or Industrial Cannabis – get involved more ;-D

California Cannabis State Resources
Check out those portals and resources, and let us know your thoughts below.
Praise to all the California Hemp Companies
There’s no way I could go through the list of awesome hemp companies, based out of California.
But here’s a glimpse of some of the awesome hemptrepreneurial companies spearheading the California Cannabis Movement.
This list is specifically Industrial Hemp Companies:
- California Hemp Association
- Hemp Traders
- HempAware
- Bulk Hemp Warehouse
- Satori Movement
- Vital Hemp
- Junmaven
- DigitalHemp
- Recreator * Credit to Recreator for the word HUNDO above ;-D
- Hemptique
- Dr Bronner’s Soaps
- Green Field Paper Company
- and so many more!
If there’s a Cali-based Hemp Company that you LOVE, not listed or you want to give props to one of the Hemp Companies listed above, let’s hear your praise in the comments below!
If you’re in California and you have a hemp company, or you are an entrepreneur, or even if you have a job and work for a company in Cali, there is SOMETHING you can do TODAY, to help move along the availability and opportunity to start growing and processing Industrial Hemp, here in this beautiful – sunshiny state.
The California Cannabis Challenge
However, the legal process to establish the rules and regulations for new policies in the State of California, has the chance of becoming somewhat of a lengthy and potentially controversial topic.
As Larry described it to me some of the obstacles to overcome are:
- Setting up the Registration process for licensing for California Farmers.
- Once all of the proposed rules and regulations are set and clear, there is a 2 Month Commentary Period – where any California Resident can interject and propose potential roadblocks… that we will likely be able to overcome rapidly and find solutions for.
None-the-less, that’s the democratic process according to California Law. So let’s do the BEST we can to educate others about the Benefits and VALUE of industrial Hemp.
Talk to your local farmers, city and state representatives, neighbors, your friend. Use the resources on VoteHemp.com and HempHistoryWeek.com, to give them materials on hemp legislation and what they can do to make a difference.
What is this Really About?
This is really about allowing a simple plant, that was designed by the Creator, Nature, or whatever you want to refer to it as.
However… it was put here for the benefit of humanity.
If we can provide ourselves with FOOD, SHELTER & CLOTHING using this ONE PLANT, don’t you think it would be a SPLENDID IDEA if every single human on California soil was in support of this Miraculous Plant?
And even before we start feeding and clothing and housing folks like you in hemp homes and clothing etc… there’s going to be JOBS!!!
The hemp industry will literally revolutionize EVERYTHING about our lives. It has the potential to positively impact every industry in California and globally.
So many more jobs are going to be created, and jobs that are healthier, more productive, less damaging to the earth and much more fulfilling on a deeper purpose sort of level.
Let's hear your thoughts...
What Rules and Regulation question do you have or do you feel need to be addressed?