
Hemp & Cannabis Marketing & SEO Agency

Why Was Hemp Banned in the United States in 1937?


I remember learning for the first time about why hemp was banned in the US way back in 1937. I was about seventeed years of age, sitting in my little cottage in Costa Mesa, California reading The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer. i was blown away by what I read, and the fire […]

How to Make Everyday Earth Day with HEMP – Make Your Hemp DOT

Make Every Day Earth Day with HEMP

What’s Your Hemp DOT? If you’re introducing someone to hemp for the first time, or you’re a seasoned hempster you’ll get value from this video. The purpose of this presentation is to inspire YOU to Do One Thing HEMP. That’s what we mean when we ask What’s Your Hemp DOT? What’s one thing that you […]

Ten Reasons to Switch to Hemp Animal Bedding

Okay, so you are wondering if it is advantageous to switch over to Hemp Animal Bedding instead of pine, straw or wood pellets for this need. Perhaps, you have started to wonder if there was a better solution.  Maybe you wonder if there is something that causes less environmental impact, less allergic reactions, dust or is […]

Weaving Hemp Twine into Sacred Patterns

We’ve recently discovered an awesome company/artist that is making tribal hemp blanket/shawls. She’s using hemp twine as her creative medium. Taryn, of Tanu, weaves beautiful patterns into her creations, through a process of repetition and connection. Taryn’s work is inspired by tribal culture and primitive life. She loves the simple technique and natural materials used in this realm. She’s […]

How to Explain Medical Cannabis & Industrial Hemp to Your Grandparents

First Things: Cannabis Hemp Many Grandparents, and maybe you are one, have seen or been exposed to Hemp Education on some level via the US Government. Back in the 40’s the U.S. Government required a certain amount farm land to be committed to growing hemp for the war efforts. The image above that says, “Hemp for Victory,” […]

Hemp Essential Oil Benefits, Uses & How to with Blue Sky Oils

Come experience the BIGGEST Hemp Expo in the U.S., and check out this fun interview with Morris Beegle. Enjoy this fantastic interview with HempAware’s Tyler Hemp and Creator of Blue Sky Oils, Penny Stadick! Stay tuned for some other GREAT resources on Hemp Essential Oil!

Supporting Women to Succeed with Hemp

Hemp Women Success

In this brief post we want to give a special thank you and shout out to Seeds To Sew – an awesome non-profit organization making this world a better place by assisting young girls and women from disadvantaged communities to become entrepreneurs and be self sufficient. They are teaching them job skills, educating them about business, and their […]

The Perfect Hemp Salad | Infographic Recipe

Hemp Salad Recipe

Here’s a VERY SIMPLE, but delicious and VERY NUTRITIOUS Hemphographic Salad Recipe. There are so many varieties to this, or ways you can customize it to your liking. You can add celery, shredded carrot, sprouts, and many other fresh herbs and spices. This Perfect Hemp Salad Infographic Recipe will at least give a perfect base to start with. You can always alter the amount […]

Celebrating & Making Hemp History | 2017

Hemp History Week

Find YOUR LOCAL Hemp History Week Event Welcome aboard the hemp-train… of thought that is. Tyler Hemp coming at you! Your hempthusiastic, hemptrepreneurial HOST, here to HEMPOWER your HEMPISPHERE – because it’s HEMPortant! Get out your pen and paper boys and girls, you might wanna jot down some crucial dates and info during this hempisode! Thank you… for tuning in […]

Hemppen Reenactments | Spring Valley Lodges

Hemp Reenactment Tents using ROpes CAnvas

A lovely couple (Rebecca & Jim) out of Batavia, Illinois are the owner operators of Spring Valley Lodges where they’re making canvas tents for reenactors. Most of their customers portray the 1700’s through the mid 1800’s. Up until recently, they only supplied sisal-based ropes to support their customer’s tents. They are a small business and always on […]


During this 30 minute free call, we will ask you some key questions and see if we are able to be of service to you. If anything you will walk away with some insights.


If you’re needing high-quality blog posts, articles, or any sort of content creation for your hemp brand or hemp products, we have the team and experience that you need. Increase, your Organic Search Results, Traffic, Leads, and Sales, with Quality Hemp Content.