My experience in the Kentucky Hemp Fields was epic.
It was a pivotal moment in world history or at least in my story – being a hemptreprenuer.
Some may not see the significance of this time in the world, but there is a powerful momentum building that I believe all hemp entrepreneurs, hemp educators, hemp legislators, hemp farmers and hemp business owners and investors are feeling right now. To see Agricultural Commissioner of Kentucky, James
Comer, speak about the crucial necessity of Industrial Hemp for Kentucky and ultimately the U.S.A. and to hear him say that he foresees this plant being Kentucky’s number one crop my heart starts pumping with vigor to really inspire others to head this opportunity.
Not only do I see the lucrative financial opportunities for hemp but the more essential environmental and health impact of the cannabis hemp plant for all of humanity and planet Earth.
When I was first profoundly impacted by hemp in 1998 by my beloved Grandmother, Linda, I knew why I was placed on this planet – to hempower and hempducate your hempisphere with LOVE and to make food shelter and clothing effortless to obtain, for anyone who desires it, through essential, fun and inspirational hemp products and services that not only make a dollar – they make a difference.
And that’s what we’ve been up to with HempAware and Bulk Hemp Warehouse!
This Fall, I had the honor and privilege to rub shoulders with some of my most cherished and adored hemp friends, some of whom I met for the first time back in 2005 at the San Francisco HIA Conference, like hemp maven Robert Jungman of Jungmaven, Hemp Altruist David Bronner (grandson of Dr. Bronner), Hemp Pioneer Steve Levine co-founder of Ecolution and now with of Dr Bronner’s, as well as Hemp Paper Makers Rick and Sherry Smith with Green Field Paper Company, among other longtime hempster’s such as Tom Murphy, Don E Wirtshafter, and so too many other crucial hemp aware advocates to name here.
This was also a fabulous event put on by the HIA, because I was able to connect, for the first time, with some of the biggest hemp leaders like Anndrea Hermann, current President of the HIA, Dion Markgraaff founder of the Cannabis College of Amsterdam and Business Developer/Creator of General Hemp, as well as Paul Benhaim of Hemp Foods Australia to name a few inspiring hemp entrepreneurs!

Experiencing the Hemp Fields
After experiencing the credible and insightful hemp talks we journeyed to 3 different hemp farms near Lexington.
After 14 years of working in the hemp industry I finally got to smell, taste, touch and feel what it was like to be in an actual hemp field.
I’ve certainly done some small scale hemp seeds planting in my garden with some steam sterilized hemp seeds that evidently didn’t get completely sterilized as about 20 percent of them sprouted.
The main thing I used the little hemp plants for was juicing the leaves. At that time, which was about 8 years ago, I didn’t even think to use the stalks for anything.
Although it wasn’t quite clear to me what the hemp was going to be used for on the first two farms, the third farm was evidently being grown for CBD and Cannabinoid purposes only.
The team that was responsible for that field requested that no pictures be taken, which is why you won’t see any posted here.
However, you will be able to see one image grandly posted here: The terpenes that filled the air were so satisfying and delightful.
On the first farm we visited I was able to get a little bit of footage describing the plans of the hemp farmer as you will see here.
Hemp Industry Presenters
Special thanks to HempCo Canada
My hemp field trip wouldn’t have been possible without the loving and abundant support of the HempCo Canada Superfoods team! I want to give a special thanks to Angela, Charles, Annett along with the whole Holmes family for their undying support!
We’ve been able to offer a tremendously valuable hemp foods product line with the support and alliance of HempCo and I’m really looking forward to the world-changing plans to come to feed the planet with the BEST HEMP yet!